Wow it has been a loooooonnnggg time since I last blogged. We've finally moved to NYC and settled down and it has taken it out of me more than I thought, so apologies for the lack of postings. Before we left the UK there was so many things I wanted to post from the exhibitions and quirky things I stumbled on, so I will try to keep on top of it now! Not to mention there have been so many fun things that I've found in the Big Apple, so I'm excited to talk about these things too...Anyway, that is enough of my ramblings...
Last week I popped into London to meet a friend for a farewell lunch when I decided to swing by the Conningsby Gallery in the hope of seeing something, and how lucky was I?! There is a lovely exhibit of Graham Carter's work (actually the exhibition finishes tomorrow - 12th September - so definitely work a peek...).

Graham's 'East meets West' exhibit is a homage to his adulthood influences of eastern cultures (such as Japanese mythologies, folklore and design) and childhood inspirations of western cultures (such as 1940s & 50s American comics). He has created some beautiful screenprints and giclee prints for this exhibition as well as some very cool 3D laser cut perspex images mixed with screenprinting (you can't really appreciate it from the photo below).

Whilst there I found myself completely immersed in his fantastical and nostalgic worlds of robots, origami creatures, yeti's, monsters and cute Eskimo styled characters. It was also helped by his choice of lovely muted colour pallets - every print contained no more than 3 or 4 colours. Needless to say we walked out with a print, we just couldn't resist!

I'm really going to miss this gallery, but I know that there are plenty more galleries for me to scope out in my new habitat.