Friday, 4 December 2009

Knitted monsters

Whilst having a photo clear out, I found images of knitted monsters I created a couple of years ago. Having grown up on Sesame Street, I have a fondness for cute monsters and I was inspired to knit some once I saw The Thifty Knitter's adorable own creation, Thrifty Critter with Long Striped Scarf, who is made out of scraps and leftover bits of yarn. How cute is he?!




I knew I couldn't knit something as lovely as the Critter, but I decided to make up my own pattern and see what would come out of it (I'd only been knitting for a year at this point, so I really jumped in feet first)...they turned out ok in the end, slightly mis-shapen, but that adds to the homemade charm!




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  1. Aw wow, you've done an awesome job on the little guy. Like a weird elephant/rabbit/mouse hybrid.

    If you like stuff like this, I've got loads of links for ya... though I wouldhave to hunt them down, bookmark list is unorganised and overfilled.

    BTW if ya liked Sesame Street and as sad as I, they've released the first two seasons of the 70's on DVD here on Amazon UK, not sure if you can get it over there. Sure ya can though.

    Tell me you got the Avenue Q book!!!

  2. Send the links my way :D and I haven't got the Avenue Q book...must investigate...

  3. The Avenue Q book is lovely and furry :D Bright orange fur!!! Plus its a great making of book. Goes into a lot of detail and there are some great pre-vis illustrations.

    Truely am I sucker for artbooks.

    Will FB the links.
